septiembre 01, 2013


Content: Regiones de Latinoamérica,
individuals or groups have been influential in the region over time
Homework/ due:    N/A
all work will be assigned in class.
Quiz/ due:              N/A
Project/ due:          N/A

Content: Regiones de Honduras,
interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment.  
Homework/ due:      N/A
all work will be assigned in class.
Quiz/ due:                N/A
Project/ due:            N/A
Content: Causes and effects of interactions among peoples, including trade, systems of exchange, war, and diplomacy)
Homework due:     N/A 
all work will be assigned in class.
Quiz due:               N/A
Project due:           N/A                                      
Content:  The structure of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras.
Homework due:     N/A
all work will be assigned in class.
Quiz due:               N/A
Project due:           N/A
Content: What individuals or groups were influential in developing the government and the country following independence.
Homework due:     N/A
all work will be assigned in class.
Quiz due:               N/A
Project due:           N/A
Content: Explore recurring issues, such as the environment, belief systems, resource distribution, ethnicity, etc.          that affect a country’s socio-economic development.
Homework due:     N/A
all work will be assigned in class.
Quiz due:               N/A
Project due:           N/A
Content: culture as the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions (language, norms values, beliefs, folklore, arts, etc.) ways of thinking, and emotional patterns

Homework due:     N/A all work will be assigned in class.
Quiz due:                N/A
Project due:            N/A
                                     IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THIS WEEK
HONDURAN INDEPENDENCE MONTH – As you know, Honduran Independence is celebrated in September. There will be an all-school assembly on Monday, September 2, from 8:00 to 8:15 a.m. to raise the flag and pledge alleigance to it. Please bring your students promptly to the gym area for this assembly.
INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION – Next Thursday, September 12, the school will celebrate the Honduran Independence Day. Homeroom Teachers are asked to contact their room parents and organize a typical Honduran snack/breakfast with their classrooms with contributions from their students. A schedule for the day is included in the attached Monday Memo version, but it would not copy into the main body of this document. More information will be provided at the Area Meetings this week. This is an 11:45 a.m. dismissal day for our students (PM Schedule) and teachers can leave for their (much awaited and deserved) 4-day weekend at 12:30 once all their students have been dismissed. 
FIRE DRILL – We will have our first fire drill on Tuesday, September 10, at 9:00 a.m. Please make sure that you review with your students the correct procedure to follow during a fire drill before this practice next week.
FROM THE COUNSELOR’S OFFICE – Ms. Marilis will meet with our Juniors and Seniors for the SCAD University Visit on Monday, September 2, at 11:00 a.m. Following this they will receive the Bentley University Visit- at 12:00 noon.
On Thursday, September 5 our Juniors and Seniors will attend the CIS College Tour at the American School from 12:00-2:00 p.m. Please check Ms. Marilis’ blog for more information on these events.

Independence Day Celebration on Thursday September, 12th
Time                          Activities                                         Responsible
8:00-8:50      Regular First period                                                                          
8:50-10:00    Typical breakfast (students will meet 
                       with their homeroom teacher)                  Each class will organize                                                                                            its own breakfast
10:00-11:00  Traditional Games (Elementary 
                        students will be required to be at the
                        field in front of the cafeteria )                                                                                                                                                   Special teachers and 
                                                                                          secondary students
11:00-11:05   Sing the national anthem                Ms. Norma and Ms. Pamela                          (Students and teachers will 
                        meet at the gym)                                       
11:05-11:10   Folkloric song                       Ms. Norma and a group of students
11:10:-11:15 Typical dance                          Ms. Liana, Ms. Dinora and a group                                                                         of elementary students
11:15-11:25  Legenddramatization              Ms. Jazmin and a group                                                                                           of secondary students.                      11:25-11:45 Story teller performance        SANTILLANA publishing company
                       (cuenta cuentos)                    

Important Dates Coming Up:                                                      
Monday, September 2                All-School Assembly for September festivities 8:05-8:20 a.m.
Thursday, September 5              Area Meetings 3:15 p.m.
Friday, September 6                  Midterm
Thursday, September 12           Honduran Independence Day Celebration – Early Dismissal
                                                      (PM Schedule); Progress Reports go home
September 13 & 16                   HOLIDAY – Honduran Independence Day 

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