August, 2014
Dear Parents:
It is a great pleasure to start a new school year 2014-2015, and work together towards the academic and personal achievement of your child (en).
The Grading Policy to be used in 6th to 12th grades, is described as follows:
Homework ………………………………… 30%
Research, worksheets and projects.
Class work…………………………………. 40%
Presentations, games and activities.
Presentations, games and activities.
Quizzes.................................................... 30%
This is the explanation of the aspects to be evaluated:
Homework: will be an extension of the work the students will do in class and need to master at home.
Projects and Presentations: will involve any activity the students will need to accomplish a task following the school’s philosophy in a certain period of time (what the teacher considers appropriate)
Research: will consist on navigating in internet or visiting the library to get the necessary information asked by the teacher of a topic and present it in a written report, a Power Point Presentation or any other source to prove levels of knowledge.
Quizzes: will be applied at the end of each unit to check understanding and feedback will be given by the teacher afterwards.
Class work: will be any activity done in class, in accordance with the school’s philosophy (hands-on methodology)
The evaluation does not involve effort, behavior and attendance, since it is merely academic achievement based on Course Standards, however the students may lose the right to present either of the aspects mentioned above with out a valid excuse (medical, personal etc.).
Late work: It is very important to clarify that each aspect of the grading policy has to be turned in on time, however if the student does not present his/her work on time voluntarily will have consequences in his/ her grades. Homework needs to be turned in the due date before 8:00 AM.
Yours Truly,
Mr. Sergio Andino Sierra
Spanish Social Studies Teacher
Mobile 9996-8565
Año lectivo 2014-2015
Estimados Padres de familia:
Bienvenidos a un nuevo año lectivo. A continuación detallo mi perfil profesional de manera que me conozcan mejor.
Mi nombre es Sergio Noel Andino Sierra soy maestro de educación primaria (Escuela Normal Mixta Tegucigalpa, licenciado en Lenguas Extranjeras (UNAH) y tengo un diplomado en formación pedagógica para educación superior (UPNFM), así mismo una Maestría en Educación (Estudios Multidisciplinarios) (SUNY, Buffalo USA). He estado en Discovery School por 16 años y este será mi vigésimo cuarto año de trabajar en la enseñanza.
Yo estaré enseñando las clases de Ciencias Sociales en español de secundaria distribuidas de la siguiente manera:
Grado Sección Asignatura Enfoque de la asignatura
6 A y B Estudios Sociales América Latina I
7 A y B Estudios Sociales Historia de Honduras I
8 A Estudios Sociales América Latina II
9 A Educación Cívica Civismo
10 A Estudios Sociales Historia de Honduras II
11 A Estudios Sociales Desarrollo Socio Económico
12 A Estudios Sociales Historia de las Culturas
El material que utilizaremos consistirá en un cuaderno de espiral con rayas y un folder plástico en el que guardarán los trabajos que realizaremos, asimismo lápices, colores y marcadores.
Mr. Sergio Andino Sierra
Spanish Social Studies Teacher
Mobile 9996-8565
Important Dates Coming Up:
Open House
First day of school |
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